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Donegal Junior High School Counseling Department

Counseling Services at DJHS
Counseling services for Junior High School students are provided through a variety of means. Individual counseling is an essential part of the program with referrals being made by the teaching staff, parents, administrators, counselors, or the students themselves. Small and large group counseling is also utilized, and counselors develop and present a program based on the developmental needs of the students. Topics in the curriculum cover concerns dealing with peer relationships, grief counseling, divorce support, conflict management, careers, teambuilding, drug awareness, study skills, responsible decision making and reliance.

Orientation programs are an integral part of Junior High School Counseling program. Throughout the year, programs are provided to ease adjustment for students entering seventh through ninth grade, and for students who are new to the district.

Another aspect of the counselor's role is their involvement in content area or teacher leader meetings. Serving as a consultant during these meetings, relevant information from the student's cumulative file is shared to assist those involved with the students. These meetings may be used for parent conferences, for gathering information to process a psychological referral and for gaining a better understanding of the student. This process enables the counselor to create and maintain communications between home and school.

Helping to facilitate communications between home and school or other agencies and the school is one of the counselor's responsibilities. Avenues of improving communications are continually explored by the counselor.

The counseling office remains flexible to provide crisis counseling in relationship to parental concerns and student needs. Additionally, the counselor participates in the Student Assistance Program process, and serves on department and building committees.

The counselor also serves as the PSSA coordinator for the district, distributing and collecting the tests during the testing per


The  CARES team at the junior high school meets bi-weekly to discuss and identify students who are at risk or experiencing issues in mental health, depression, chemical dependency, or suicidal thoughts.  These students are referred to us by teachers, parents, or other students.  If additional interventions are needed, we contact parents and offer them services through our Student Assistance Program.  From there, students may be referred to a professional agency for formal diagnosis and possible treatment.

Please click on the CARES referral tile at the top of this page to make a referral.  You can also call Ed Hoffman at 717-928-2906.  



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